foreigner from outside in the marrying the slave girl should handle and she became known as a happfy

what happens to create a disaster between countries CEO at that time ambassador of 3000 the reason why they came to the market who was the father of the first show from the clan you can marry her so, yes it was a foreigner from outside in the marrying the slave girl should handle and she became known as a happy slightly later what happened it is something amazing when will they had a child name the child 

Amma now I am ma he is similar in H2 Muhammad is not good at it coming that I am from the people and family to accept Islam Subhanallah members of the same family happen to be soon but to inform you that these people went through so much more than the mother of America became the first martyr in Islam she was stabbed by Abu Rahal himself and she was harmed before being killed she was 

secured to the degree that used to take him out into the desert heat and used to harm them so much dragging them telling them to disbelieve in Muhammad did not until she was the mother and her husband was also much of your love and yes I we call them with him we call them the thing because that was on one occasion when you got one after the other you are from Paradise you are 

saying that goes well known as the people who are the 10 get entry into production but they were told that you are from different occasionsdushman number 1 and he suffered so much after the death of his parents when he took part in the battle of but he was the only companion who had his 
parents much by the people of Mecca and now he was revenging and retaliating in burger only 

a companion who had come to but knowing that these people have killed my parents Subhanallah is and 
goodness and are sold at him and a soul he was a man whom when the people of Paresh farming in so much day told him one day as they were having him Utsav persecution that we want to praise all gods so it is reported that he acted in the world in a way that they were happy ok you press the gods and the people who are Muslims at the time when to Muhammad Salah Salem to tell him that I am has left in his heart he has it is full of imaantheir gods I ended up staying a word which makes them happy so a loss of this is because Muhammad what about your heart is my heart is very clear my conscience is 

extremely clear I am a Muslim and I believe in loan 16 reviews those who have been forced to other words when their hearts of their action and from this we learn that if you are forced to do something for saying something when your heart is actually not with you will be judged by coding to what is in your 

heart and not according to what your actions have been depending on what that matter, as well as the sole a lesson this was happy with it is reported that at the time of power and whom he was appointed as the Governor one of the governors of Kufa and later on I will replace him with someone then are you upset, are you say that I have replaced with someone, is osmoregulation amirul momineen I was even sadder when I was the Governor because of responsibility now I am a happier man the sole 

responsibility those whose leadership and correctly realize that it is more responsibility than an honor 10 goodness, my brothers and sisters, it is said to notes that beyond the age of 90 died in the battle of between the Muslims we all know into place and will be in paradise if you were to take a list of 

countries where Muslims are being slaughtered today you will find the places where the Muslims of being the village where they are being killed at the hands of the Muslims are far more than places where they are being harmed by the enemy and this brings us to the note of this evening brothers and sisters 

we ask the colossal hand to assist brothers and sisters really as we're speaking there are struggling it brings us to the eyes gift leaves are helpless except for the fact that we have hope in the mercy of Allah it happened to those before us and as much as Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam was telling the 

family of yes I like that we hope and pray that we to can be that the people of and throw a list it would be in this to be an honest review I was trying this evening to draw up a list of the places where the  Muslim are struggling, believe me, I came up with more than 20 countries where are you have this is what do we learn from this fighting that happened at that particular time what do we learn from the fact that enemies made the Muslims fight in the name of Islam my brothers and sisters let that not happen to us well or safeguard us and grant us the love one another and the ability to stand up and respect to one another even if we have difference is it does not mean we need to kill one another correct and ground safety was Allah Hu Allah.

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