Ahmedabad he was a great companion of Muhammad sallallahu son of one of the great leaders of paresh had inflicted a lot of harm on the

that which would bring tears to the eyes we will start that off Ahmedabad he was a great companion of Muhammad Sallallahu son of one of the great leaders of Paresh had inflicted a lot of harm on the 

Muslims his name was the last ship Nova in that was the father of farmer and as who was approximately 18 the time the prophet Sallallahu when this young man was growing up he grew as one of them from the families of those who is the senior of Paresh and when Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi 

wasallam declare that allow was one and that he was in a rose against him and the Muslim is requested to leave to Africa and we all know that in Africa the leader and the jersey whose name was like the hammer is the one who was very just from amongst those who was sent by Paresh in order to go to Anna jaisi to 

convince him to send the Muslims back to Mecca was a lot and at that time he was not yet to believe so he was young and he was the businessman he had gone to abyssinia to Africa several times before he 
had met with some of the leaders some of the ministers of AP and he had known them and there was a lot of exchanging gifts between them and so on and he picked up at the court of unnecessary and we will 

help the story when we spoke a few days ago about Japan this meant that we want you to send back because I want to listen nature of the messenger in your mix what he is calling you towards is correct and he is the messenger of Allah imagine this is a man in Africa on the family to Amar Vilas is this man 

Muhammad peace be upon him shall take over his enemies and he will be victorious over them all so it would accept his message images are you serious do you accept this and I had a feeling in 

my heart that there is something about the Muslims that we don't know we are just so the person who first called to Islam was someone in Africa who had not even seen Muhammad this is amazing and I am King to the battle of weather and the battle of the third eye to fight in the battle of work on the side of the.

mishri the people of and I was actually leading one of the smaller groups and in my heart I felt you know what I am on the wrong side and when we know what is right and wrong he gives us the ability to follow what is right amazingly to follow him knowing what is right and not following it and show us what is wrong to be wrong and help us stay away from it what's the point of zinc I know what are you.

doing wrong but we keep on doing it at the David I was later ground to this drink after should help with you know they be the treaty that was signed between the Muslims on the course just outside the year what happened on the way this season of the two men who were just like him SubhanAllah what are you doing Amit Mohammed so when they had gone in Islam in the multiply it was also one of those messenger Islam so that is when he was quite happy now he became.

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