Qureshi went back to the menu was gone but I couldn't sleep when I stand up I see this man a baby born ID

repeated here don't leave even what they are doing this men size in this story was over the people of Qureshi went back to the menu was gone but I couldn't sleep when I stand up I see this man a baby born ID in front of me when I sleep I dream of nightmares I get up when I am working I remember his words 

and harassed me so much and I put to myself that this cannot be something simple there is some belief 
behind this what is the love that he has for his religion must be meaning that this religion has something deep in it because if people had lived out in the belief that would have given it and the lovely has man we can only be a messenger because it was an ordinary person even a father would not do this for the sun and the sun would not do this was the father Subhanallah to he says and started asking myself in 

must be something from the evidence that you know that is that has come and one day I got a few days 

I could not take old sports anymore and I stood in front of parmesan told them I free myself from work you did to hubby some time back and I have I am not a part of you anymore the idols you're.

worshipping a wrong I am going to Madina and I set the message of Muhammad saw this was our men shook him to the core given to Al Madina unaware and myself we spend time there it is reported that he took part in the battle of Khyber and whatever happened thereafter hair comes with the story during the 

time of Abu Bakr Siddique Radi Allahu anhu to advise them and then you need to make sure that you fulfill your responsibilities and so on the used as a man who was not interested in the world in material life so one day you know what I want to appoint you as the governor of hens hence is in Syria today may Allah grant peace and stability in all the Muslim land Amin this men's is no I will not be the 

Governor appointed me now you don't want to support me and you don't want to do what I am telling you to do so is his name is from amongst the poorest of the luck yes so immediately to him to himno something worse than that so his wife this with the Muslim losing know something and she looked it over now I have to help in the busy know he was the man who will cry when we hear the next part of the story he was the man who saved his family so much that we have to learn a lesson from it we think 

we're big fans of companies and so on becoming give instruction listen to what the governor of hip anyway he put that money into little pouches and he distributed amongst the poor in English then came up to a change in the 15 years and it is reported that again he was given to him some so on some parts of Assam and he asked the people of hymns how is your khalifa how is your Aamir the one I sent to you how is he so they complain the lot so he decided to call if people are complaints about you and the 

people who cheated and he brought this man in front of them he was a very calm collected man so amirul momineen his right what are you complain they mention four things point number 1 this man does not come out to us until late in the morning you know when the sun is almost in minutes then it's 

one day that's when he comes out meaning in the morning it doesn't come out early complaint number one CEO so what do you have to say it is I don't have a servant at home so every morning I cook the fool and I make sure that I pay the breath and I make sure that I've done everything in the house then I 

make my own then I come out to see the people even the pool of the lord and he was so sorry I don't want to do but I just want you to say I just want to know that is for my people and the night is Allah 

which means the man is in prayer what do you want him to do if someone knocks out today we will bring the phone someone doesn't answer we get to it take to meeting their ignoring us we started, in fact, we stop talking to them for the rest of our life without knowing when was probably the loo sorry not the answer so this was of the month suicide come off the next day I was completely taken aback the people and what happened what is your next complaint lo people so the last complaint is it sometimes this man he loses concentration was made talking to him and it says no is unconscious coronavirus then he gains 

consciousness and ask what we say and this being a Governor is something that is wrong with this man so there he asked at what is your answer for this is wallahi Oman I can never forget a certain day in my life when one of the companions of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam by the name of a baby was killed in 

front of me in and he described the whole story and not going to be repeated here just said it now and then the people of all the time I was with him I didn't help him and that wash my beloved wife why don't we do something even better than that so she says what is it he says with the distribute this well to those who need it more than us and we definitely did that they agree that this was the man it was worth 

making mention of him we have so much lesson from the same and the man the women in the children of the blessed is heroes of hours this evening we spoke about two of them and a Sydney Mardi gras and sarees

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