just accepted Islam and what you lost in terms of respect among the disbelievers of Paresh Allahhand style I gave him so much in written it was multiplied so much and he has such a big heart he was one of those just like with mine apne aap fun some say that he was even more generous it was he gave a lot
like we said quantity-wise non compete with men but when you look at present you why is there were a lot who actually had given so much even what they would have for themselves would give it away to another one of those who was sultan give you an example one of the days this man one of his caravans adjust coming from Howrah mode in the evening and he had talked with seven hundred thousand dirhams and in the evening he was worried and he was
sitting on his bed and he could not sleep so his wife who was the daughter of Abu Bakr Siddiq and by the name of a kulsum bint Abi Bakr Siddiq she told him, oh my beloved husband has done something to hate u you are looking quite worried today so he looked at her and said you are such great women you see my concern that you actually think that you are the one who has made me very well now why sometimes we are sorry I want that if they would actually come to us and tell me who is done
something to you bye-laws and make us husbands who are concerned even of their own why when we see them what is it is important for us to ask him I hope it's nothing I have done that has made you so very relieved from here to make the best of spouses Amin and Mela bless those who are not married.
with spouse will be the coolness of their I look at that I mean mashallah India people outside of who and whom he said yes exactly so she said why don't you just distribute this well he said no problem they started making little fact they started making portions and in the morning the cold out there in Madina unaware and I gave out all that to those who were amongst the Muslim in a market in Madinah munawwarah 700 mm silver coins worth of
إرسال تعليق