Muhammad peace be upon him
we have chosen to go through the lives of our true heroes the companions of Muhammad peace be upon him and by the blessings of you all my GP account.
demo and to start with it is only important for us to look at the best of the lot the one who was the most outstanding the one who is undisputed it is not disputed that he is the best of the creators of Allah Subhan Allah to treat this purpose of the prophet.
Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam and all the other prophets what we will tell Masha and Bear the best of those who said this was after the prophets of Allah and his name was Abubakar Siddique and pleasure.
Priya calls him Abu Bakr Siddiq name that we all know but not be aware of the fact that his real name was Abdullah Abu Bakr was it name or something known as it in the Arabic language so it was also a title given to him later on Abdullah his father's name was a man known also as Abu ko Hawa so he was known.
Abdullah IBN Abdullah man it is important for us we will spend on a daily basis 30 minutes of your time after Taraweeh to explain to you the lives of some of his companions of a lot of and convert to extracted from a salt his mother was known as she was known as there is a beautiful story about her that we shall hear in a few moments he was born in
that the year of the elephants was the year when Muhammad Sallallahu was born he was approximately 2228 years younger than Muhammad who was the one who has very great character and conduct and he always carried himself in a very respectful way even prior to Islam he was a friend of Muhammad peace be upon him even prior to prophethood
This is a very great aspect of the life of Abu Bakr Siddiq mention followed that which was clean and pure it is reported that even prior to Islam in ever drink alcohol he was once asked about these intoxicants and he made it clear statement saying that I would like to protect my dignity and my reputation and I have seen the others whom when they drink alcohol they lose their dignity a lose their reputation and for that reason, I will not do something that will make me lose my dignity oh my reputation I stop for a moment and ask the question to ask all how many of us are prepared to leave at which
will result in the laws of power dignity and our goodness in terms of our own reputation and dignity give our shortcomings in my lesson Sachin honest and a price businessman he traveled the east to the west in terms of the Arabian peninsula you went to many countries many areas many places today we were to put the mark we would find so many countries to travel 20 lands in order to do business and every time he was known as an upright Wilson whenever he went this is also something we need to ask ourselves when we do our business upright AV it is something we learn from the lives of the
Companions. near the life of Abu Bakr Siddiq, he was a person who was very knowledgeable regarding the limit of the Arabs he knew the people's families and lineages up to their forefathers and beyond to he would tell anyone and everyone from Qureshi who exactly the world today we do not even know our own lineage sometimes we do not know how a relative of ours is related to us myself included below should have now what I love you give us,
Islam makes it a duty upon us to fulfill the rights of kinship how are we going to fulfill the rights of kinship when we don't even know who is related to us take a look at Abubakar sitting Messi and peace be upon him may Allah be pleased with him you are such a powerful man they hold upon him in order to express the lineage and a new when he said something it was accurate this was something he was gifted regarding and he had a habit never did history bad about other families never did history bad about the lineage of others your tribe is like this and you will plan was like that mentioning bad
things good news of others rather than to speak about the evil that some may have done Mela forgive us and grant us a beautiful tongue with which we can remember with which we can actually make mention the beautiful names of Allah in hand metal and wood which we do not hurt others are beautiful that we can actually be saved from entering hellfire because of the way we used to use it correctly once this was later on in the life of Abu Bakr
games me wish you would I wish it please as we made mention of a few moments ago what is important of making mention of his time in his life just before he into the fold of Islam when his network was 14000 silver coins which is the type of man he was he was a wealthy man well as not arrogant but he understood that this well is a gift to me from my maker and I need to spend it in the right path this he understood when he accepted Islam
إرسال تعليق