show the process in living right now so he'll and he returned the following day or a few days later now his name was to be below and I think I will use their name for a few moments today so that we continue to remember in June 2009 to female why don't you look after my family and my belongings and my business coronavirus let me go out myself and see the progress is no problem you me go so he went out to Mecca himself on his way his brother tell him remember that will harm you if you're telling you came to see Muhammad because they don't like him and they don't want what he is saying because he is saying something contrary to what their forefathers had brought so jaungayou know what is this day you are here what is it brought ygiou here I see you doing no business is nothing much you doing you just lounging around roaming around is look I can tell you but you promised me a few things promise me you will show me what I am looking for and promised me that you won't have been so when the promises were made it is I will come all the way from afar position in the northern part of the peninsula on the way to Assam with the characters of Qureshi used to go to the people of different known as highwayman the used to sometimes we need is the used to go up and used to steal or take the well so far to say if there is a problem I had a good deal with that we are a good people we will give you so much you don't have much so let me take you to the mad so you show the way Muhammad that you have so Muhammad continue to be shocked from outside his come unto you knowto his brother is accepted Islam is accepted his family and a lot of the people of preferred shipped to the seller and the rest of the some of them and this was the man now this very hard and did not like the world at war and he was the person whom when the place happen if people who remained behind from the battle of the book of hypocrites a few of them had a valid excuse so when they got to the book does counting those who are not there is not here is a lookcame to him and looked at his house he had not seen in his house no even when it it it it was just him and his clothes and animal that he used to milk he says I have another house I still don't my good furniture chintu TV we are here I am preparing my friend and my buildings for upstairs there right now we had not spoken about this man but inshallah we will so winner I ended up going with the body what is this he said main Allah subhanahu this man and this is one of the sala of Jainism
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