I can't believe I spend money in this and he said I have 80000 silver coins that in this place anyone who needs

I can't believe I spend money on this and he said I have 80000 silver coins that in this place anyone who needs them

please take them as I free of the companions most of Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam amongst others about the best the name or talk to him he used to say I am more befitting to have been a profit and 

you who are you and why did Allah reveal to you you are an orphan Europe who has nothing I want you so much I am supposed to have been the prophet review dresses SBI in his shoes you need to understand we bless him do not become jealous like those who want to compete with the gift of Allah because it is the last decision to give you want when you want it's not our decision angry look that type of attitude that he had a son name Kishore Muslims pray he saw how they operated how their 

respective one another please show the beauty in that faith was divas captive and he loved it so much so they asked him why didn't you accept Islam wild you are a character so early in the null when it says how could I accept Islam when I was a captive people might think that my intentions were wrong and I just wanted to be free so I waited until my father federalism and I left now I mixture to get a free man 

because I want to tell you it is definitely the truth and he went back to Madinah munawwarah and he became one of those who was very close to Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam so one day do you know he was on the side of the fa of the enemy of the coronavirus those who had used the wealth of the Muslim to have at that time he was not a Muslim hi took the battle of the trench you know the battle of the 

changes that took place on a half later what he did is he was responsible for executing Muhammad Salah Salem he was given the task you need to watch for Muhammad get rid of him as he went he tried here and there but you know there was a strange that was dark and he just could not get to Muhammad 

Salah Salem it is reported that as he tried to get there by night says it had noticed and everyone and the plan was fired Sohail big navel and went back to those who had lost in the battery will take place because of the wind comment I will show you would know the battle of the train was sent back to much 

miraculously so when the Muslim come out without any way to go but when he went hi so that they were praying and he sold to insan ok I got two hundred men while these people go to their prostration I will survive with them but you are India state up and down and he was saying what is this all about that was prescribed at that time of year when Muhammad was given this gift because Alice's that these 

people had intended for you to all be in frustration at once so they could survive with you so some of you go down as some of you stay up with some come up some will go down and so on it so beautiful 16 

and it was a gift and so that is the time in his heart like I didn't he says that means this man Muhammad we will never be able to Ham him impossible I am a man I have mastered the military of completely I cannot even get close to him for some reason and so he said this man is going to leave and he's going to be the winner and he's going to be victorious this is what it tells us later so after hudaibiya he went back and he received the letter from his brother and the latest all my beloved brother Khalid I always know you to be a very intelligent person and as intelligent as you are it cannot escape you that Islam is correct 

with that mind of yours, you are such a powerful person in intellect the prophet has been asking about you Sallallahu alaihi wasallam he told me where is Coli referring to the same person one may be referring to the nephew and one may be referring to the uncle because it is one man and woman is not 

happy Eid Mubarak may be the same man or maybe the nephew but whoever it was this was so when I told him that let's do this let's.

Madina I am really feeling to go because of this reason is it ok I am coming would you let go Subhanallah amazing so quietly the two of them prepare everything and they decided to do hijra without anyone knowing the event and on the way as they are going they show one of the powerful men of goes by the name of the man who later he was one of those who went to see if you recall on the above and he was speaking about just had not been that was the man 

inshallah will talk about him in a few days but Hollywood and this man he asks them where are you guys going so we want to know from you and as they were entering Madina Allu Arjun with his 

brother and rushes to him he says the messenger that is when Mohammed in Islam I want to inform you that Islam delete this that were committed before it so it doesn't meet all your needs only delete your sins remember that you don't start with a New leaf you start with the leaves that only has good morning amazing if you did well before you accept Islam it will come true even this love but if you have done badly that is what is wiped out just like my brothers and sisters does exactly the same thing it wives of the 

bad and degrees the good because repentance does exactly the same thing and I told him inshallah Alava bring him along he says the prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam and men like you're so intelligent anyone who is absolutely intelligent will know that Islam is correct if they will know that what the 

Muslims according to and what their way should be is the actual correct way of calling towards worshipping one make the make a loan and doing good for your life and this is what is correct so 

Khalid bin Walid read the letter and he was touched by its because now you one thing had happened that day after everyday wear this was the second thing that night and you so a dream the dream of holiday and ISO myself on a piece of land that was dry and very very narrow and so that I was struggling to another beautiful green piece of land which was very broad and he said when I got up I 

knew it means to go to Madina and that is Islam and Allah has chosen Islam for you so he decided to speak to his friend and his friends now it was quite tricky to talk to them because they only the first one he had a friend and this friend was quite close to him software and it is also one also won what do you think of Muhammad Salah Salem I tried so much the man you cannot get close to him I believe is going to win one day and he's going to overtake everyone the other than the known address and I think it's about time we went so so once is nowhere is never you crazy what are you talking about that is because of an evening I had lost his father and brother and so he decided ok don't forget statement once it was not enough time then he says on messenger I press my lead us to you here you will come to you the flag of leadership and he gave it to Haali Haali Haali new Muslim and he said no wait for I 

am not going to take this you have actually taken part in butter dosa between coming I am not from amongst those you carry so sad to know about looks at the rest of the companions on the day of motor and his do you agree that this is the warrior from amongst us who knows best how to take AVN daily and he shall leader and so that is it took it and the battle changed its course and came back to Madina 

should have been achieved by the British drawn through a lot of good so this was the man with every single army he was in the won his back without exception so much so that today the military schools of the way the life of the valley and that sometimes we had was the children of our own community not realizing that if their community by singing we are actually doing our own community at this rather we are proud of the achievements of our country our community and large well as you can help us understand what was the statement of any way he took part in

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