spending more in him this day so in the property for your family members is it on messenger I have left half of my well for them and he was happy because he made the actual I like shifted from me Chinese hut he said today I will have spent more than Abubakar because I have spent 50% of all my wealth and later comes along Abubakar Riddick Abdul Vahid Narasimhan of the unlock and it comes along and he says here is what I have to donate this particular battle messenger Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam and the prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam him what have you left for your family and he says on
messenger Sallallahu alaihi wasallam I have left Kamla and his messenger SubhanAllah which means this is 100% of my well I've put it in frontier 100% what we are going to have for the next meal Alava provide no problem SubhanAllah look at the conviction the
the man had this was the best of those to treat the year of the prophet of Allah Subhan Allah one narration says that Abubakar Siddique and who will be the first to an integer from amongst the men of my umma Grand entry at least we know we will be the first to enter Paradise from the owner of Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam according to a narration reported by a Budha would really be pleased all of us that is a book in the prophets come to him to come to him the following so she asked him if I don't find if you don't find me you will come during the end of his life we came to him the companions and they told him on messenger peace be upon him listed are you coming out for solar he said ask Abubakar to leave the congregation came back to look for him on messenger you coming out for 16 is it ask Abubakar to leave the congregation.
the time he said ask Abubakar to leave the congregation and that is when this man Abubakar Siddique and who let the congregation now you and I know that the profits that the leader of the congregation should be the one who has the most knowledge of the one who has the greatest of knowledge of the Quran in terms of its meaning is its translation as well as its recitation and so on and here was Abubakar Siddique Radi Allahu anhu being appointed in the life of Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam as an imam the only man who was appointed in that particular way to leave this for over 16 may Allah grant us the ability to understand the rank of Abubakar Siddiq as we said his name is Abdullah
Man of the love and then when the profit and he was buried in the house that he had passed away in that was the house of the dodo of of the room of the daughter of Abu bakr siddiq and who had passionate love and the famous statement that if anyone says that Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam has died I will executive I don't want to hear that he has been passed away this was the love that he had for Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and only man who could educate them once again was abubakkar siddik comment claimants what did he say you Rose above when he says you have now let me remind you month karna ya Muhammad Muhammad fast and is ever living everlasting women can I Abdullah for in lion mode and when abubakkar siddik in abhi kam hua pledging of allegiance at sucker for you when is Eid which is a place just outside Al masjid an nabawi in Madina munawara up to this day it is actually way if you like to see they would show you where exactly the place was this is where some of the answer had gathered in order to appoint a successor to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam but what happened this we were trying to a point that did not robot and as their leader and
when the ratio of the Muslim in from Qureshi had come to hear of this made haste to Sakti for to bani cider and they begin to explain to the answer that Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam has explained to us quite clearly that should be within that this succession should actually be within fresh and Abu Bakr Siddiq the one who had the explanation of the one who convinces them that you know what the succession should actually be amongst the people here is the others letters appoint one of them and that
juncture honorable and who was the man he was the man who actually said no it is Abubakar whom we pledge allegiance to is he, not the one whom the prophet Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam had actually put forth in the congregational prayer to be laid by him was the messenger was actually is he not the one whom the messenger had mentioned his way to and so on and so much of the way to was made mention of this is when the pledge of allegiance was four Abubakar side for the law and the first of the successes of Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam at that time Abubakar Siddique came to his own sickness in his life he has achieved in facts we entire Arabian peninsula moral
the entire Arabian peninsula under his leadership and under his authority during his life in the two years that he had let when he fell ill he called the companions and he started asking them who do you think should be a success after me and they gave their opinions and look we trust your opinion you are the one who should decide and he began asking
more questions and so on until he got hold of a smile of the offender their love and told him I want you to write the following down right down that myself being Abu Bakr Siddiq who is the khalifa of the Muslim after Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam I point upon my eyes as the leader of the Muslims and other people should follow after I depart this was an instruction written by a smile on their fun but instructed by Abu Bakr Siddiq Razi Allah and at the end of his life and he was for a short period of time and then he passed away Maja Larson Hanover Allah bless him he was buried next to
Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam also died at the age of 63 he was two years younger than Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam passed away at the age of 63 and 2 years later Abu Bakr Siddiq formula and who passed away at the age of 63 latest quickly make mention of his family members he has six children from his first wife,
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